Aug 27, 2010

The Journey


"Behind every good Company there is an equally good and proficient Company Secretary. The Company Secretary is the backbone of the Company. She can either make or break a Company through her thought, word or action. The conduct of a Company Secretary comes under very high scrutiny. How we behave, how we act and how we respond reflects greatly on the Company that we represent."

"However in our quest to reach the top, we sometimes smear our reputation by becoming involuntary victims to office politics. Then we are left with no choice but to compromise on the most important thing we have, our integrity. When a Company Secretary compromises on her integrity, it is as good as selling one’s soul to the devil."

"When you sit in the boardroom, never let the directors smell your fear. Always remember you are their equal and you are not a mere secretary sitting in the background recording the proceedings of the meeting. You should participate in the meeting when necessary."

"Always remember that as an officer of the Company you owe a duty of care to the Company, the shareholders as well as the stakeholders. This responsibility involves speaking out appropriately, informing the Company if any possible wrongdoings that may occur if they proceed with a certain course of action, guiding them to the correct path and relinquishing your post in the Company if the situation becomes unethical."

"Never be afraid to stand up to what you believe, even if that means standing alone. But when standing up to advise the Board members, be sure of your facts. Many of us are afraid of criticism or unsure of our facts, so we do nothing, say nothing and eventually become nothing."

::Abirami Pasupathy Grad ICSA::

p/s: kanda, let me get my fellowship first before ur Ingénieur, can meh?

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