Jul 28, 2010

Majlis Menyambut Puasa Batu Gajah Style

Tarikh: 24hb Julai 2010 (Sabtu)
Masa: 8.00malam
Tempat: Umah Opah, Kg. Bendera
Jemputan: Ahli masjid, orang2 kampung & jiran terdekat
Keraian: Majlis menyambut ramadhan

Now it's midst of Sya'ban, when my Opah & and her beloved sons decided to coordinate
a feast to celebrate the coming of holy Ramadhan. Orang kampung kata kenduri sambut Ramadhan. It's kinda new for me since it is the first time to experienced this adrenaline. To be honest, first I thought its going to be a 'gotong-royong' + 'kuali besar' + 'tumbang lembu' style...of course because it happen at Batu Gajah. Finally....it turns up to be a full catering style [with mouth watering dishes....too early to mentioned?] and orang kampung just have to come to recite tahlil/doa & then makan-makan. Phewww....cuci tangan!

Although we arrived there in the afternoon, seem its not too late for umi & mak to prepare the door gifts [i think this is mak feveret since everytime she'll be the one who coordinate this!] - of course with a little help from all of us [plus amsyar & aqilah] we managed to book in almost hundreds of bags. What's more....our feveret gift inside the bag is surah yaasin with late grandfather portrait printed at the last page! [ kinda unique...............................and creepy too~]

Around 6pm, the gentleman are started to busy arranging the khemah outside. I guess there are two nice & cozy khemah parked just in front of Opah house. I've also noticed there are batik style saprah used instead of ordinary plastic cover, what happen??

After Maghrib, around 8pm...orang kampung started to come. Ada yang datang lengang sorang2 and ada jugak yang bawak satu family. Budak2 pun ramai jugak [where got kiddo who could resist makan-makan?] Slow and steady pejam celik I realize the chairs outside are almost full. Gosh...where did they came from?
Terbukti semangat memeriahkan walimah masih terpahat dalam jiwa penduduk kampung nie.
And as usual, peoples that we have to wait longer: Orang Masjid. Can they at least be punctual to show some respect to tuan rumah?

Alhamdulilah. That evening was starry bright. Tak hujan. After the jemaah mengambil tempat, majlis tahlil pun berlangsung dengan jayanya. Simple. Tapi meriah. Macam ayat kenduri kawen Dato' Siti la pulak...
It's not easy to be in this situation. Especially for us: young age, limited time plus living in a multiracial community. It's kinda hard to embrace such harmony ambiance nowadays. Sigh...

It's makan time. Well, I don't really know the menu exactly. Amcar sleepy so I need to be upstair to "bedtime story" him. Luckily Mr Arzlie manage to tapau for me. Thanks dear! Having my dinner alone upstair are not much excited to share. But not to disappointing anybody, the menu are nasi minyak, sambal petai udang, ayam masak merah, dalca daging, sambal ikan talang, jelatah timun, ulam-ulaman berserta bubur kacang and sirap bandung. Yes...it is kampung delicacies which is my all time feveret!

We love our precious time with families & relatives. It's a warm feeling that words can't tell. The feast actually brings good memory for us. Sometimes it's good to see faces that we rarely meet. Mengeratkan silaturahim. Sayangnya there are fews who love to tarnish the relationship. Tolak tepi orang2 kampung yang singkat fikiran & tak abis mengaji, coz now I'm talking about person yang pegang degree dan duduk di bandar.

That's all for now. Trust more to share when aidilfitri is reaching. =)



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